Lexington CARES is a cooperative effort coordinated by the city to protect vulnerable people in Lexington. Information about it will be provided at the i know expo which will be held from noon to 5 p.m. April 12 at the Lexington Center.

Through the CARES program, social services, public safety and the United States Postal Service collaborate to ensure safety and peace of mind to Fayette County residents living alone or with special needs.


CARES stands for:

C  Carrier alert by the Post Office.

A   A Vial for Life from the Fire Department. The vial contacts health and other emergency information that can be placed in the refrigerator. During an emergency, responders check the information to provide needed help.

R  Registry for special needs persons. If someone is home with oxygen, dialysis or other medical equipment dependent upon power, if power goes out with ice storm, the city can decide what areas to bring up first

E Emergency 911 or Smart 911. Here’s an example of how it can be used:  if there is a bed-ridden person, emergency folks know,  if there is a child autism who hides under a bed, they know.

S   Doesn’t really stand for anything. It just makes it sound better!


You can register for Lexington CARES, at the I know expo from noon to 5 p.m. April 12 at the Lexington Center.