2021 Exhibitors
A nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, helping people turn their goals and dreams into real possibilities, stregthening communities, and fighting for issues that matter most to families.
10401 Linn Station Road, Suite 121
Louisville, KY 40223
PHONE (866) 295-7275
EMAIL kyaarp@aarp.org
WEB aarp.org/ky
Age Friendly Lexington
A collaborative effort working to make Fayette County an age friendly, liveable place for individuals of all ages. We are proud to say Lexington is one of 127 Age-Friendly Communities nationwide.
CONTACT Kristy Stambaugh
195 Life Lane
Lexington, KY 40502
PHONE (859) 258-3806
EMAIL kstambau@lexingtonky.gov
WEB agefriendlylexington.org
Alzheimer’s Association
The leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research.
CONTACT Erin Gillespie-Hislope
2808 Palumbo Drive, Suite 205
Lexington, KY 40509
PHONE (502) 473-5342
EMAIL ebgillespie@alz.org
WEB alz.org/kyin
Amada Senior Care
Amada is on a mission to provide high-quality, individualized and compassionate care to the Lexington community through respect, integrity, and excellence with every client served.
CONTACT James Bernoski
107 Frazier Court #2B
Georgetown, KY 40324
PHONE (859) 983-1842
EMAIL James.B@amadaseniorcare.com
WEB amadaseniorcare.com
Ashland Terrace Retirement Home
A non-profit, independent living retirement home for elderly women with meals, transportation, housekeeping, linens, activities and outings provided at affordable rates.
CONTACT Kelly Weber
475 South Ashland Avenue
Lexington, KY 40502
PHONE (859) 266-2581
EMAIL info@ashlandterrace.org
WEB ashlandterrace.org
Back Construction, Inc.
A team of friendly and attentive professionals will make your home remodeling project a breeze.
CONTACT Wes Dickerson
965 Contract Street
Lexington, KY 40505
PHONE (859) 576-3087
EMAIL wes@backconstruction.com
WEB backconstruction.com
Bath Fitter
Same day beautiful, affordable bathroom remodeling and new installation designed to meet your every need.
CONTACT Kellie Worden
1191 Brock Mcvey Drive, Suite C
Lexington, KY 40509
PHONE (859) 293-1586
EMAIL KellieWorden@bathroomalternatives.com
WEB bathfitter.com
Bluegrass Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living
Providing communities, seniors, families and professionals with information, referrals and in-home and caregiver support as well as ombudsman, adult day care, legal, senior employment and Senior Center support services.
699 Perimeter Drive
Lexington, KY 40517
PHONE (866) 665-7921
EMAIL adrc@bgadd.org
Bluegrass Care Navigators
Bluegrass Care Navigators provides a wide range of services to alleviate pain, suffering and distress for patients and their families in the last phase of life. Bluegrass Care Navigators was formerly known as Hospice of the Bluegrass. Same people. Same care. New name.
CONTACT Hazel Teichen
2409 Members Way
Lexington, KY 40504
PHONE (859) 296-6100
EMAIL hteichen@bgcarenav.org
WEB bgcarenav.org
Bluegrass Council of the Blind
Focused on increasing independence, security and quality of life for Kentuckians affected by vision loss through peer support, technology, training and additional resources.
CONTACT Theresa Thomas
1093 South Broadway, Suite 1214
Lexington, KY 40504
PHONE (859) 259-1834
EMAIL Theresa@bcbky.org
WEB bcbky.org
Bluegrass Elderlaw, PLLC.
Focused on the preparation of documents for seniors and their families (powers of attorney, health care directives, wills and trusts) and on Medicaid planning, guardianship and estate settlement.
CONTACT Amy Dougherty
120 North Mill Street, Suite 201
Lexington, KY 40507
PHONE (859) 281-0048
EMAIL amy@bgelderlaw.com
WEB bgelderlaw.com
CapTel Outreach
Working in your community to help people with hearing loss stay connected by phone. Captioned Telephone, or CapTel, works like any other telephone with one important addition: It displays every word the caller says throughout the conversation. CapTel phone users can listen to the caller and can read the written captions in the CapTel’s bright display window.
CONTACT Silvia Petrille
1500 Olympic Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
PHONE (310) 526-5211
EMAIL silvia.petrille@oeius.org
WEB oeius.org
Cedarhurst Senior Living
At Cedarhurst Senior Living, we provide truly person-directed care, taking the time to know and work with each resident as an individual and providing them with care that’s as unique as they are. Whether in Personal Care or Memory Care, our caring, compassionate staff, first-rate amenities, beautiful environment and welcoming, supportive atmosphere make Cedarhurst a secure, enriching place to live.
CONTACT Tiffany Everts
1165 Monarch Street
Lexington, KY 40513
PHONE (859) 213-1048
EMAIL teverts@cedarhurstliving.com
WEB cedarhurstliving.com
Christian Care Communities
A non-profit, faith-based Kentucky organization that offers services for the older population, including Bridgepointe, a new personal care community, the dementia-specific, Best Friends Adult Day Center, adjoining Bridgepointe and Christian Adult Day Center, which is Medicaid reimbursable.
CONTACT Sarah Rowe
101 Sexton Way
Midway, KY 40347
PHONE (502) 377-0848
EMAIL sarah.rowe@ccc1884.org
WEB homeplaceatmidway.com
WEB bridgepointeassistedcare.com
Clear Captions
Certified caption telephone provider by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Offering an innovative suite of communication services on a variety of platforms, including personal computers, mobile devices, and home phones.
CONTACT Olivia Christensen
599 Menio Drive, Suite 200
Rocklin, CA 95765
EMAIL olivia.christensen@clearcaptions.com
WEB clearcaptions.com
Commission for Citizens with Disabilities
Promoting the inclusion and empowerment of people with disabilities in Fayette County and advising the Mayor and City Council on pertinent issues, and leading community efforts on the quality of life for older citizens and their ability to fully participate in the community.
CONTACT Kristy Stambaugh
195 Life Lane
Lexington, KY 40502
PHONE (859) 258-3806
EMAIL kstambau@lexingtonky.gov
WEB lexingtonky.gov
Commonwealth Audiology
At Commonwealth Audiology we promise to put your hearing healthcare first. Our professionals are experienced Doctors of Audiology who are up to date with knowledge on the most recent hearing aid technologies and practices.
CONTACT Dr. Tiffany Brewer
204 Bevins Lane, Suite B
Georgetown, KY 40324
PHONE (502) 642-4322
EMAIL drbrewer@commonwealthaud.com
WEB commonwealthaud.com
Donna Elder – Remax / Creative Realty
Buying and Selling Agent in Lexington, University Of Kentucky, Nicholasville, Winchester, Richmond and the surrounding areas.
CONTACT Donna Elder
2808 Palumbo Drive
Lexington, KY 40509
PHONE (859) 983-9107
EMAIL donnaelder@remax.net
WEB moving2lexingtonky.com
Dupree Financial Group, LLC
Financial advisors providing fee-based investment advice to individuals and families of those preparing for retirement and already in retirement.
CONTACT Mike Johnson
237 East Main Street
Lexington, KY 40507
PHONE (859) 233-0400
EMAIL MJohnson@dupreefinanical.com
WEB dupreefinancial.com
Fayette Local Emergency Planning Committee
Volunteer group responsible for improving plans for emergency response to incidents related to chemical and hazardous materials and educating the public about potential hazards and response procedures for local emergencies.
CONTACT John Bobel
115 Cisco Road
Lexington, KY 40504
PHONE (859)278-6072
EMAIL jbobel@lexingtonky.gov
WEB fayettelepc.com
Friends of the Lexington Senior Center
A 501c3 non-profit designed to financially support the exceptional Lexington Senior Center today and in the years to come.
CONTACT Kristy Stambaugh
195 Life Lane
Lexington, KY 40502
PHONE (859)278-6072
EMAIL kstambau@lexingtonky.gov
WEB lexseniorcenterfriends.org
Highgrove at Tates Creek
Highgrove offers several living options including independent living, assisted living and memory care residences.
CONTACT Danielle Desard
4251 Saron Drive
Lexington, KY 40515
PHONE (859) 245-0100
EMAIL danielledespard@traditionsmgmt.net
WEB highgroveattatescreek.com
Home Instead Senior Care
Lexington’s trusted source of non-medical home care for seniors providing companionship, personal care and Alzheimer’s/dementia care services to enhance the lives of aging adults and their families.
CONTACT Brent Stephens
207 East Reynolds Road, Suite 150
Lexington, KY 40517
PHONE (859) 273-0085
EMAIL brent.stephens@homeinstead.com
WEB homeinstead.com
At Humana, we think your healthcare plan should help you do more than simply pay your bills. Our focus is on supporting not only your physical health but your emotional and social health as well. Learn more about your options below.
CONTACT Lynn Edwards
19 Spring Station Drive
Lexington, KY 40505
PHONE (859) 404-1569
EMAIL LEdwards23@humana.com
WEB Humana.com/healthykentucky
Independence Assistance Services of the Bluegrass
Personal Care Agency serving Lexington and surrounding counties to provide personal care, homemaking, respite, escort/transportation and companionship to adults in order to help them maintain their independence within their home.
CONTACT Kaela Drake
343 Waller Avenue, Suite 305
Lexington, KY 40504
PHONE (859) 303-4040
EMAIL kaela@iasbg.com
WEB iasbg.com
Providing dignified transportation 24/7 to people 60 and older and adults with visual impairments, this nonprofit organization is committed to the independence and mobility of its members, who schedule their own rides anywhere in Fayette and northern Jessamine Counties for any reason.
CONTACT Jennifer Gripshover
1206 N. Limestone
Lexington, KY 40505
PHONE (859) 252-8665
EMAIL jennifer.gripshover@itnbluegrass.org
WEB itnbluegrass.org
Kentucky Health Solutions
An independent health insurance agency providing Medicare health plans such as Medicare Supplement Plans, Medicare Advantage, Part D Drug plans, and health insurance for those younger than 65.
CONTACT Pete Alberti
2365 Harrodsburg Road, Suite B235
Lexington, KY 40504
PHONE (859) 312-9646
EMAIL pete.alberti@kyhealthsolutions.com
WEB kentuckyhealthsolutions.com
Kentucky Talking Book Library
A library service for people who are visually impaired or physically disabled.
CONTACT Barbara Penegor
P.O. Box 537
Frankfort, KY 40602
PHONE (800) 372-2968
EMAIL ktbl.mail@ky.gov
WEB kdla.ky.gov
KORT Physical Therapy-Lawrenceburg
CONTACT Chelsea Hartley
1055 Corporate Drive
Lawrenceburg, KY 40342
PHONE (502) 680-7096
EMAIL clhartley@kort.com
WEB kort.com
LeafGuard of Louisville
CONTACT Adam Santor
PHONE (708) 692-6539
EMAIL ASantor@leafguard.com
WEB englertgutter.com
Legal Aid of the Bluegrass – State Health Insurance Program (SHIP)
Provides free information, counseling and help with applying for government public benefits to anyone over the age of 60, and disabled persons on Medicare.
CONTACT Angela Zeek
300 Main Street, Suite 110
Lexington, KY 40507
PHONE (859) 233-4556
EMAIL azeek@lablaw.org
WEB lablaw.org
Lemongrass Spa
Lemongrass Spa is a comprehensive collection of beauty and skincare products for clean living, natural beauty and self-care all while giving back to the communities in which we live.
CONTACT Pamela Miller
1422 Holly Hill Lane
Leitchfield, KY 42754
PHONE (270) 589-8398
EMAIL pamelasshop@comcast.net
WEB ourlemongrassspa.com/pamelamiller
LexCall 311
Your one call to City Hall, LexCall 311 is a centralized call center for city services.
CONTACT Kendra Carter
115 Cisco Road
Lexington, KY 40507
PHONE (859) 280-8021
EMAIL lexcall@lexingtonky.gov
WEB lexingtonky.gov/lexcall
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Division of Emergency Management
Promotes disaster preparedness for individuals, families and businesses in Fayette County by providing printed information on disaster preparedness, emergency kits, severe weather, earthquakes, chemical emergencies and other topics
CONTACT Shelley Bendall
115 Cisco Road
Lexington, KY 40504
PHONE (859) 280-8063
EMAIL sbendall@lexingtonky.gov
WEB bereadylexington.com
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Division of Grants and Special Programs
CONTACT Charlie Lanter
200 East Main Street, 6th Floor
Lexington, KY 40507
PHONE (859) 280-8063
EMAIL grants@lexingtonky.gov
WEB lexingtonky.gov
Lexington Senior Center
The Lexington Senior Center is home to a variety of activities and services for all Fayette County citizens ages 60 or older.
CONTACT Kristy Stambaugh
195 Life Lane
Lexington, KY 40508
PHONE (859) 278-6072
EMAIL kstambau@lexingtonky.gov
WEB lexingtonky.gov
Lexington VA Healthcare System
The Lexington Veterans Affairs Medical Center has two divisions offering inpatient Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and substance abuse treatment, nursing home care, hospice and respite services, home based primary care, prosthetics and orthotics, geriatrics, optometry, mental health, primary care, women’s health, emergency care, inpatient medical-surgical care, acute psychiatry, intensive and progressive care units, (includes Cardiac Cath Lab) ambulatory surgery, medicine and surgery specialty clinics, and hemodialysis.
CONTACT Nicole Brown
2250 Leestown Road
Lexington, KY 40511
PHONE (859) 333-9637
EMAIL nicole.morgan-brown@va.gov
WEB lexington.va.gov
Lexington’s public transit authority consists of a 73 bus fleet that serves the city of Lexington seven days a week. Please find routes and schedules on our website.
CONTACT Emily Elliott
200 West Loudon Avenue
Lexington, KY 40508
PHONE (859) 255-7756
EMAIL eelliott@lextran.com
WEB lextran.com
Milward Funeral Directors
Six generations of tradition and trust, 190 years of community service. Milward Funeral Directors is there to meet all your end of life needs from advance planning to time of need services.
CONTACT Jeanne Sledd
159 N. Broadway
Lexington, KY 40507
PHONE (859) 252-3411
EMAIL jsledd@milwardfuneral.com
WEB milwardfuneral.com
National Seating & Mobility
Providing a 360-degree approach to complete mobility solutions.
CONTACT Krista Weartz
5959 Shallowford Road, Suite 443
Chattanooga, TN 37421
PHONE (859) 111-1111
EMAIL krista.weartz@nsm-seating.com
WEB nom-seating.com
Nursing Home Ombudsman Agency of the Bluegrass, Inc
Protects and promotes the rights of long-term care residents, providing education and compliant management to long-term care residents and their families.
CONTACT Denise Wells
3138 Custer Drive, Suite 110
Lexington, KY 40517
PHONE (859) 277-9215
EMAIL denise@ombuddy.org
WEB ombuddy.org
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UK – OLLI
OLLI offers educational and enrichment courses, programs and events for dynamic lifelong learners aged 50 and older who are continually searching for exciting topics and exploring new opportunities in learning.
CONTACT Teresa Hager
UK Ligon House
658 South Limestone Street
Lexington, KY 40506
PHONE (859) 257-2667
EMAIL teresa.hager@uky.edu
WEB uky.edu.OLLI
Pleasant Meadow Assisted Living
“All The Love of Home” with personal attention, at a rate you can afford, in a secure, engaging and nurturing environment.
CONTACT Tracey Javid
2141 Executive Drive
Lexington, KY 40505
PHONE (859) 351-6190
EMAIL tracey@mypleasantmeadow.com
WEB mypleasantmeadow.com
Sayre Christian Village
A retirement community offering a continuum of care for residents from independent living and certified assisted living through long-term nursing care.
CONTACT Terry Bidiwala
580 Greenfield Drive
Lexington, KY 40517
PHONE (859) 271-9001 Ext. 114
EMAIL tbidiwala@sayre.us
WEB sayrechristianvillage.org
Senior Helpers of the Bluegrass
Personalized, locally owned, non-medical, companion and personal care provided by dementia-certified, trained, bonded and insured professional caregivers. Provides flexible scheduling from full-time to occasional check-ins.
CONTACT Lorri Mills
3070 Harrodsburg Road, Suite 240
Lexington, KY 40503
PHONE (859) 296-2525
EMAIL lmills@seniorhelpers.com
WEB seniorhelpers.com/lexington
Senior Services Commission
This Mayoral appointed Commission provides leadership for community efforts of services to the elderly.
CONTACT Kristy Stambaugh
195 Life Lane
Lexington, KY 40502
PHONE (859) 278-6072
EMAIL kstambau@lexingtonky.gov
WEB lexingtonky.gov
Senior Medicare Patrol
SMP empowers and assist Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse through outreach, counseling, and education.
CONTACT Michelle List
400 East Gray Street
Louisville, KY 40202
PHONE (502) 574-6520
EMAIL michelle.list@louisvilleky.gov
WEB louisvilleky.gov/government/health-wellness/senior-medicare-patrol
Social Security Administration
Manages one of the nation’s largest entitlement programs for retirees, the disabled, and survivors, and administers the Supplemental Security Income program which provides financial support to aged, blind or disabled adults and children with limited income and resources.
CONTACT Lyman Russell
2241 Buena Vista Road, Suite 110
Lexington, KY 40505
PHONE (866) 530-7754
EMAIL lyman.russell@ssa.gov
WEB socialsecurity.gov
SureHands Lift & Care Systems
Transfer systems and accessories that are customized to meet the specific needs and transferring goals of both the user and caregiver.
CONTACT Gary Stoops
982 County Route 1
Pine Island, NY 10969
PHONE (800) 724-5305
EMAIL garystoops@gmail.com
WEB surehands.com
UK Healthcare / Sanders-Brown Center on Aging
Conducts cutting-edge aging research and provides clinical and educational programs in areas including Alzheimer’s disease.
CONTACT Derrick Hord
800 S. Limestone
Lexington, KY 40536-0230
PHONE (859) 323-6040
EMAIL derrick.hord@uky.edu
WEB centeronaging.uky.edu
United Healthcare
United Healthcare is dedicated to helping people live healthier lives and making the health system work better for everyone. We serve millions of people from their earliest years through their working lives and through retirement.
CONTACT Kathy Holder
233 Ruccio Way
Lexington, KY 40503
PHONE (812) 746-0861
EMAIL kathy_holder@uhc.com
WEB uhc.com
WellCare Health Plans, Inc.
WellCare is the health care plan that puts you in control. You can choose from a large network of doctors and hospitals.
CONTACT Frank Miller
13551 Triton Park Boulevard, Suite 1800
Louisville, KY 40223
PHONE (502) 253-5103
EMAIL Thomas.Miller@wellcare.com
WEB wellcare.com