Kentucky Family Caregiver Program is here to help

The Kentucky Family Caregiver Program provides supportive services to grandparents who are the primary caregiver to a grandchild no more than 18 years of age. Grandparents of any age in Kentucky, who are the primary caregiver for a grandchild under the age of 18, and who meet financial and other guidelines, and are not receiving Kinship Care may be eligible to receive financial assistance or supportive services.

These services include:

  • Information about services that are available
  • Assistance in gaining access to services
  • Counseling and information about support groups and caregiver training
  • Financial assistance for purchase of clothing, respite assistance, educational supplies or assistance, medical and dental services, legal services, and other authorized expenses

To be eligible for the Kentucky Family Caregiver Program, a grandparent must be a Kentucky resident; be related to the grandchild and must be the primary caregiver of the child. The child’s parents may not live in the home. Grandparent cannot receive state Kinship Care for the grandchild they are caring for. Additionally, gross household income cannot exceed 150 percent of the federal poverty level.

Applications can be obtained by contacting the Bluegrass Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living staff at the telephone number or address listed below. Program services eligibility and assistance is determined on a year-to-year basis; applicants must reapply in order to obtain further service supports – – typically in July of each fiscal year. Applications are processed and determinations made on a first come first served basis. Funding is limited.

If you have any questions about these services please contact:

Bluegrass Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living, 699 Perimeter Drive, Lexington, KY 40517 or (859) 266-1116 or (866) 665-7921 or (859) 269-7197 (FAX) or