A group of researchers from the University of Kentucky and Berea College are conducting a study to find out how people experience their place of residence (Home).

The purpose of the study is to discover how people develop a sense of “being in place.”

The findings will be used to evaluate alternative housing options and identify ways to enable people to age-in-place in a familiar environment for as long as possible.

To participate in the study, complete an online, anonymous survey which will take about 15 minutes to complete.

Paper copies are available upon request.

“Being in Place” survey: https://berea.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_enfDD8xnAzPg2do.

This survey should be finished in one sitting.

Thank you for helping with this research. Any questions? Feel free to contact any of the following:

Patrick Dillon (dillonp@berea.edu)

Judith Weckman (weckmanj@berea.edu)

Graham D. Rowles (growl2@uky.edu).