Welcome to retirement.

Now what?

A recent story on Nextavenue.org suggested that a satisfying retirement is crafted with small steps and a sprinkling of serendipity that leads you in a new direction.

Maybe you have a conversation with a friend that results in an introduction to a new course that prompts you to get involved in an exciting volunteer opportunity or part-time gig.

It’s almost always an unpredictable journey.

Fortunately, even if you don’t know exactly where you’re headed, there are things you can do to build forward momentum.

Here are some steps to get unstuck, along with a few suggested resources:

Invest in self-reflection. Once you gain clarity about what’s most important in your life, your decisions about how to spend your time get easier.

Reflect on, and discuss, questions that help clarify your driving motivators and interests. For example:

What do you want to learn about? You now have an opportunity to learn about new topics you didn’t have time for while working full-time.

Once you identify your interest areas, you’ll find endless books, webinars, lectures, podcasts and classes to fill your days.

When do you feel most useful and valued? Think about the times you’ve felt most appreciated at work and in your personal life: Who were you serving? How specifically did you add value?

Time spent on this question can lead you to interesting volunteer or part-time work possibilities.

What have you been waiting to do? Many people have a bucket list of things they hope to do in retirement, like travel, play golf, spend more time with their adult kids (and maybe grandkids) and relocate.

But beyond the obvious, think about the day-to-day priorities, wellness goals and legacy activities you wish to pursue.

To read more, visit: https://www.nextavenue.org/what-to-do-when-you-dont-know-what-to-do-in-retirement/